ECE171A, Spring 2025 – Linear Control System TheoryInstructors:
Syllabus: ECE171A Course descriptionThis is an undergraduate-level course in classical control theory. The course covers the modeling of physical systems, analysis and performance of linear systems, and basic feedback controls. We emphasize the basic principle of feedback and its use as a tool for altering or inferring the dynamics of systems under uncertainty. This course focuses on single-input/single-output linear time-invariant control systems emphasizing frequency-domain methods. We present material that is fundamental and foundational for the study and practice of control systems. Concepts include the s-domain, transient and steady-state behavior, PID control, root locus, Bode, Nyquist plots, compensator design, etc. A tentative list of topics that we will cover include
The students are expected to sign up on Piazza and GradeScope. Discussions and important announcements will happen on Piazza. The homework should be turned in and will be graded on GradeScope. Pre-requisitesECE45: Circuits and Systems or MAE 40: Linear Circuits. Some coding experience with MATLAB, Python, or similar software is expected. We will provide materials and sample code for students to catch up with using MATLAB. SoftwareYou will use Matlab to write simple scripts for homework questions. Please install it as soon as possible. Course grade
These weights are approximate; we reserve the right to do minor changes later. The due date of each homework and project assignment will be clearly stated. We expect you to turn in all completed problem sets on time. Late submissions and deadline extensions will not be possible because our schedule is very tight. Collaboration policy: You are encouraged to work with other students on the textbook, lecture notes, homework sets. But please note that the work you turn in should be your own! It is not acceptable to copy a solution that someone else has written. Instances of academic dishonesty will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for adjudication. TextbookPrimary Textbook:
Additional References: You will not need these books. I’m only listing them in case you want to consult additional references.
Online references: There are many excellent online references for classical control.
Further reading materials/lecture notes will be distributed on Canvas when needed. Academic IntegrityUCSD's Code of Academic Integrity applies to this course. It is dishonest to cheat on exams, copy other people's work, or fake experimental results. An important element of academic integrity is fully and correctly acknowledging any materials taken from the work of others. Instances of academic dishonesty will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for adjudication. AcknowledgmentsThe material in this course is developed in collaboration with Prof. Nikolay Atanasov. Prof. Atanasov teaches ECE 171A in the Fall quarter. In addition to that, the design of this course is inspired by the following excellent courses: