ECE285, Winter 2025 – Semidefinite and Sum-of-squares Optimization


The final project structure is inspired by EE227BT at UC Berkeley and CS6789 at Cornell.

Projects can have two different formats:

  • Option 1: Literature review: describe in detail a set of 3-5 papers and reproduce numerical experiments. In this option, you don't need to produce new results. Instead, you need to prepare a detailed review around a particular topic (based on a set of 3-5 papers), and furthermore, you need to reproduce typical numerical results in one of those papers (i.e., implement the algorithms/methodologies and test them in some problem instances from those papers).

  • Option 2: Design methodology: design a new SDP/SOS methodology to address a particular problem (e.g., from your own research or a problem you are interested in). In this option, you need to propose Something New (small or big) that does not exist in the literature. New ideas may emerge from reading those papers. So you may want to start with a set of 3-5 papers, then think critically of their methods, and ask questions during your reading (why this, how about that, etc.). You may be able to introduce a variant of the existing methods that can improve upon them. This can be a good choice for the second option.

A few project ideas are listed at the bottom of this page.

The following rubrics are tentative. We reserve the right to change them later.

Proposal (5%)

We will use the L4DC LaTex format. Your proposal should be 2 pages maximum (not including references) and should include title, team members, abstract, related works, problem formulation, and goals.

Presentation (15%)

  • Each team has 15 minutes + 2 minutes Q & A

  • It is good to tell a complete story (you may want to include: background/motivation, main challenges, technical approaches, proof ideas, numerical experiments, conclusion and future work, etc.); A simple yet good guideline for giving presentations is Giving a Presentation by Prof. Dennis Bernstein;

  • It is even better to let every audience to learn at least a piece of good message from your presentation;

  • It is perfect to let yourself know the topics better after you give the presentation.

Final Report (15 %)

We will use the L4DC LaTex format. Your report should be 10 pages maximum (not including references and appendix; it is likely that I will not read your appendix though). Your final report will be evaluated by the following criteria:

  • Merit: Is your problem statement and solution strategy well motivated? Have you justified the approach(es) for the problem?

  • Technical depth: How technically challenging was what you did? Did you prove the main results? Did you use a package or write your own code for the implementation?

  • Presentation: How well did you explain what you did, your results, and interpret the outcomes? Did you use good graphs and visualizations? How clear was the writing? Did you justify your approach?

Project ideas

We provide a few project ideas below. They can be used for either Option 1 or Option 2. You are welcome to propose your own project idea or use a new set of papers, but please discuss with the instructors.




You are also welcome to take a look at recent survey papers to identify applications that you're interested in. For example, [Hall 2019]; [Majumdar et al., 2020]; [Zheng et al., 2021]