Older teaching materials
Notes on optimal control and convex optimization
The following notes were developed when I was a postdoc in Prof Na Li's group at Harvard. These notes have not been subjected to the usual scrutiny reserved for formal publications. It is likely you will find typos or errors.
Lecture 1: Problem formulation. [Note]; [Slides]
Lecture 2: Convex reformulation in the Frequency Domain. [Note]; [Slides]
Lecture 3: Youla Parameterization. [Note]; [Slides]
Lecture 4: LMI formulation for H2 and H-infty optimal control. [Note]; [Slides]
Lecture 5: Distributed Control, QI, and SI. [Note]; [Slides]
Teaching experience prior to UC San Diego
2019 Fall, Teach fellow, ES155 – Systems and Control, Harvard University (Certificate of Distinction in Teaching)
2017 - 2018, Teaching assistant, B15 – Control Systems, University of Oxford
Revision notes: A brief summary of Paper B15
State space systems: Note, Simulation, MATLAB code
Linear Quadratic Regulator: Note, Simulation, MATLAB code
Kalman fitering: Note, Simulation, MATLAB code
Limits of controller performance: Note, Simulation, MATLAB code
2016-2017, Teaching assistant, B15 – Control Systems, University of Oxford
2017 Hilary, Demonstrator, Control Coursework Module, University of Oxford
2016 Hilary, Demonstrator, 2nd year Helicopter Control Lab, University of Oxford